Sunday, December 7, 2008

Strong Passwords

In today's day in age almost every household has a computer. Most of these people have very valuable information in the computer's memory or stored in a website that they wouldn't want anybody else to see, ie. bank accounts. Without a strong password, people can hack into these things a ruin somebody's life. It is easy to create a strong password in order to avoid these complications.
First thing is first, every password should not just contain letters. Instead, to achieve a strong password, the user should have their password contain letters, numbers, and/or the characters above the numbers such as the amperstand or percent symbol. By using symbols other than letters you automatically strengthen your password multiple times over. Another way to make a strong password is by making it lengthy. Having eight or more characters increases protection by making it harder to guess. Lastly, try to incorperate spaces. They appear as a character when typing a password and also make it harder to guess.

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