Sunday, December 7, 2008

Internet Parental Control Software

Internet parental control software is a way to have you children use the internet and feel safe about it. The best parental guidance software can contain internet filtering, monitoring, blocking, and tracking all in one program. One of the best rated packages a parent can buy today is called Web Watcher. Web Watcher can do all of the above. It is able to filter and block websites, have selectable filtering categories, and use custom keywords while also being able to disable file sharing programs, chat programs and email programs. People think parental control just means they do not want their children looking at porn. This may be true but these programs also help protect from child molesters who are pretending to be young teens. The best part of Web Watcher is the monitoring capabilities. A parent could monitor email programs, keystrokes, web sites visited, Web searches, chat/IM conversations, screenshots, and programs run. All in all having parental control software is a great way to porotect your children not only from naughty web sites but from sex offenders also. I would strongly promote this software for any parent.

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