Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tips When Using Google

After entering a search in Google, it is very possible you may come up with thousands of results. It is most frustrating when none of which are what you are looking for. There are multiple ways to avoid this from happening. First of all, check your spelling. Spelling even one word wrong can throw off your whole search. Next, look at the way you worded your search. Clarity is important when searching the web. If your words are clear and understandable, try to reword your search. Sometimes switching a few words around helps more than you think. Another easy way to narrow your search is to take out unneeded terms such as "and". When including the word "and" you multiply the number of results. For instance, when searching for bicycle tours if you input bicycle and tour your search will now look for bicycle tours and tour bicycle. Google will automatically search for variations of your words so there is no need for extra words.

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