Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tips When Using Google

After entering a search in Google, it is very possible you may come up with thousands of results. It is most frustrating when none of which are what you are looking for. There are multiple ways to avoid this from happening. First of all, check your spelling. Spelling even one word wrong can throw off your whole search. Next, look at the way you worded your search. Clarity is important when searching the web. If your words are clear and understandable, try to reword your search. Sometimes switching a few words around helps more than you think. Another easy way to narrow your search is to take out unneeded terms such as "and". When including the word "and" you multiply the number of results. For instance, when searching for bicycle tours if you input bicycle and tour your search will now look for bicycle tours and tour bicycle. Google will automatically search for variations of your words so there is no need for extra words.

Wireless Network Precautions

When connecting to your wireless network, the user should take certain precautions. Not connecting to a secure network can hurt more than it could help. First thing to do is establish a secure connection between your wireless router and computer. By doing this it is less likely for your connection to fail in the middle of something. Next, upgrade your network security to the latest settings available on your router. Having older security settings is more vulnerable to hackers. The longer your security options have been out on the market, the more chances you have that somebody has found ways around it. Finally establish secure connections for additional computers, printers and gaming systems.
By taking certain simple precautions, it is much harder for others to hack into your network. What is the harm of somebody being on your network? By having others on your network, your internet can automatically be slowed down immensely, causing your internet to respond slowly or not at all. Some of the most harm could come from a virus. If somebody really wanted to, they could set a virus in your network. By doing so it is possible that anything connected to the network can crash. People may think having a secure network isn't that important but it can be rather costly and harmful to your private contents.

Strong Passwords

In today's day in age almost every household has a computer. Most of these people have very valuable information in the computer's memory or stored in a website that they wouldn't want anybody else to see, ie. bank accounts. Without a strong password, people can hack into these things a ruin somebody's life. It is easy to create a strong password in order to avoid these complications.
First thing is first, every password should not just contain letters. Instead, to achieve a strong password, the user should have their password contain letters, numbers, and/or the characters above the numbers such as the amperstand or percent symbol. By using symbols other than letters you automatically strengthen your password multiple times over. Another way to make a strong password is by making it lengthy. Having eight or more characters increases protection by making it harder to guess. Lastly, try to incorperate spaces. They appear as a character when typing a password and also make it harder to guess.

Internet Parental Control Software

Internet parental control software is a way to have you children use the internet and feel safe about it. The best parental guidance software can contain internet filtering, monitoring, blocking, and tracking all in one program. One of the best rated packages a parent can buy today is called Web Watcher. Web Watcher can do all of the above. It is able to filter and block websites, have selectable filtering categories, and use custom keywords while also being able to disable file sharing programs, chat programs and email programs. People think parental control just means they do not want their children looking at porn. This may be true but these programs also help protect from child molesters who are pretending to be young teens. The best part of Web Watcher is the monitoring capabilities. A parent could monitor email programs, keystrokes, web sites visited, Web searches, chat/IM conversations, screenshots, and programs run. All in all having parental control software is a great way to porotect your children not only from naughty web sites but from sex offenders also. I would strongly promote this software for any parent.

Internet Monitoring, Blocking and Tracking

Internet monitoring, blocking and tracking are all ways to regulate what workers or children are capable of accessing on the internet. Internet monitoring actually allows organizations to assess risk areas, identify problem users, manage user and group privileges, as well as enforce corporate internet use policies for appropriate use of the internet and other computing resources ( Internet blocking is exactly what it sounds like. It is software that blocks certain internet sites or even the internet itself. This is extremely helpful when parents have small children who they do not want exposed to certain things capable of seeing on the internet. Whenever somebody uses the world wide web, there is always a trace. In order to track this, software is available to download. This is extremely helpful not only in the home or worplace, but also for authorities. When a criminal uses electronics to help him or her accomplish their crimes, tracking software is the best agent for help.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Internet Filtering

Internet filtering is a type of parental control. By using internet filtering a parent can secretly monitor and control almost every aspect used on their computer. The best part is, the program used to filter is invisible to the child. Whether you want to regulate your child's email and instant messages, websites visited, word and excel documents, applications used, or screenshots, with a filtering program all of this is available with the click of a button.

Another great advantage of using a filtering program is you can record and control everything that happens on your computer from anywhere. You do not have to be home behind your own computer to do a little check up. there is a saying, "when the cats are away the mice will play." From now on, dont be worried about what your children are viewing on the internet while you are not in the house. A filtering program takes away all worries about your kids on the internet.

Internet Parental Guidance

Internet Parental Guidance is a way to administer what children can and can not have access to on the computer. There are many internet sites out there including pornography, violence, etc. that can alter a child's view on life early on. The best way to manage these views are by cutting out the possibilities before they happen. To do this we use internet parental guidance.
According to the average age of first exposure to internet pornography is eleven years old. Out of kids between the ages of eight to sixteen, 90% viewed porn online while doing homework. These statistics alone astonished me. By using a program for parental guidance you not only filter what your child can view online but you can also govern the day and time they use the internet as well as having complete control over the level of filtering.